
The monsters cant be found

I love fourth hour, the cameras the hype the Jack Sparrow wannabe doing a strip tease and the teacher screaming 'Theres pants over here!'

Yes fourth is the greatest hour ever.

You know the forbidden live Obi Wan has for Qui Gon and Spock has for Kirk well I have it to.
I mean come on Qui is one sexy bastard, and well acctully I perfur Spock so what ever.

I am now addicted to the FallOut Boy version of 'Whats this?' From NIghtmare Before Christmas.

MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok fine dont make it stop Ill just start scraming The Happy Song and about Demy-kun Love.

DEMI-KUN LOVE!!!!!11!!!!!!1!!!!!111one!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!eleventy!!!!!!!1


Stab my back, its better when I bleed for you...Falling faster, true

Ok I am offically weird. Go me!
I like emo/druggie/alt./antiwar/techno/trance music, Harry Houdini, sarcasm, emo kids, KH the series, Harry Potter, drug and whore/prostitute jokes, slashy fanfiction and apples.
I also like man-love/pr0n, puttinf /'s in things, have a strage obsession with FFVII doujinshi.

And no matter how many times I remined myself to update I wont do it untill at least two days later.

I missed breakfast...And had a bottle of tea, so sweet that it would send normal people into a diabetic coma, not that Im complaining. I like sugar.

Sugar=Hyper, Hyper=Happy, Sugar=Happy!

Yeah alright I suck. Im going now.



celldweller rox my sox

Friday 13 and Im spending my time in a frikk'n Homecoming assembily.

I twisted my knee at work last night and am in encredable amounts of pain right now my spelling is obviously suffering due to this, oh well free chocolate and we all know chocolate is life.
Mel-cha has a new b/f, Traci is suffering from new and old b/f, Eve is being Eve, Beth..um yeah.

I hate this school the fact Im wearing my Putnam shirt probably dosent do anything to the amount of glares Im getting, that and the fact I limp like an old lady and scowl at anyone in my way.

Will update again later.


Shot Six Times by a Man on the Run...

Eventualy Im going to remember to update my blog more than once every few months...Eventualy.

Ya know sitting next to n00bs is probably bad for my mental health and stability, then again yelling "Cloud* is my bitch!" Really loud probably isnt good for the mental health and stability of the people on my bus.
Oh well watch me not care.

*Yes FFVII Cloud not the puffy white things that...0.o
Damn FF.net and slashy-fanfics...Damn them to hell.
