
A group of people under one person. Ephasis on the 'under'...

[Title me and Cody trying to explane what a Harem is Cody 'explained' I just added to.]

Gah Im so bored we have been doing note cards fro this stupid report all of forever it seems. So I cheat, I blog they write Im doing C.S. Lewis btw god I sound so prep right now...We got Dag to HoH with us Im so happy! Then there was sugar and coffee! Yay I still have to write out the shopping trip that led to the Sugar Rush and possibally some kind of sequel. w00t!

I need me some pixie styx bad yo. Ima goin to A-con, Ima goin to A-con! YAY!

Happyness runs rampent I cant spell but thats ok I dont really care all that much!


Cooler blonder son...

Ive been hyped up on sugar and cosplay for the last two days. And happy music, god happy music scares me...

Guess what...WE'RE GOIN TO A-KON! Im so happy I finally get to go, Im not sure what we're cosplaying as but Ill probably findout later.


Oh we're also going to the Dir-en-Grey consert in Dallas where we will shake our bootys and scare people. Yay!



I am now addicted to the Noir soundtrack I havent stoppped playing it since yesterday.

Cloe and Kirira's (Sp?) themes are my favorites currently.

Gah Ive been spell checking HoH all morning, its official I suck at typing and grammer in general...no stupid storys today.



go on an kiss da girl

so xmas a and new years are over and my crazy famiy is finaly gone.

i was going to do a hoh xmas story but somehow i didnt besides my computer has been on the fritz.

i got a copy of little mermaid and its been playing in the background since then...

ok i really have nothing to say now...
